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In and Out of Europe – British Literary and Cultural Discourses of Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries
University of Basel, September 15-17, 2016
Conference Programme
Thursday, September 15
15:30 Registration open
16:45-17:00 Welcome (Ina Habermann)
17:00-19:00 Podium: BREXIT means BREXIT, or does it?
Short inputs and Podium discussion with
- Edwin Constable, (University of Basel, Vice President for Research)
- Jakob Dittmar (Malmö University) and Richard Stinshoff (University of
- Stefan Howald (Journalist, Zurich)
- M.G. Sanchez (Writer, Gibraltar)
19:00 Reception
Friday, September 16
Section 1: Medializing Europe – Discourses of Europe in Literature and Film
09:00-10:00 Keynote 1: Lara Feigel, King’s College London,
‘This is something which we know, in our bones, we cannot do':
Hopes and fears for a united Europe in Britain after the Second World War’
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-12:00 Panel 1: Travelling and Writing the Continent
Chair: Blanka Blagojevic
Barbara Wünnenberg, Europe as Seen by an Englishwoman: Cicely Hamilton’s Inter-war Journeys
Janine Hauthal, Black (in) Europe: Transcultural Discourses and Afroeuropean Visions of ‚the Continent’ in Contemporary Black British Travel Writing
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Panel 2: Challenging Englishness
Chair: Daniela Keller
Ed Dodson, Barnes’ ‚Brexit’: Satire, Nostalgia, and the ‚Embedded Assumptions’ of Race in Julian Barnes’ England, England (1998)
Christian Schmitt-Kilb, ‚When a World Ends’: Norman Conquest, Apocalypse and Englishness in Paul Kingsnorth’s The Wake (2014)
Lisa Bischoff, British Fiction and the EU: The Dystopian Nightmare of a European Superstate
Section 2: Britain and Europe in a Historical Perspective
16:00-17:00 Keynote 2: Robert Holland, King’s College London,
‘A country ill at ease? Britain and Europe in Brexit Perspective’
17:00-18:00 Panel 3: European Waters
Chair: Blanka Blagojevic
Melanie Küng, From Getaway to “Get away!” – The Cultural Crisis at the Dover Gateway
Susanna Sargsyan, From British Mediterranean to Post-EU Britain:
From British Cyprus to European Cyprus
19:00 Conference Dinner
Saturday, September 17
09:00-10:30 Panel 4: The East in the West
Chair: Susanna Sargsyan
Blanka Blagojevic, ‘I love Checkpoint Charlie’: British Cultural Discourses of the Iron Curtain
Anna Maria Tomczak, A ‚Generic’ Eastern European as the Other: Rose Tremain’s The Road Home
Jonatan Jalle Steller, Aggressive Expansion: British Post-Cold War Society in Skyfall and Spectre
10:30-11:00 Break
Section 3: Perspectives on Europe
11:00-12:00 Keynote 3: Menno Spiering, Universiteit van Amsterdam,
‘I Don’t Want to be a European’: The European Other in British Cultural Discourse
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Panel 5: Images of Germany
Chair: Melanie Küng
Judith Vonberg, ‚Extr’ord’nary people, the Germans’: Germans as Aliens in Post-War British Popular Culture
Daniela Keller, Staging 'Frenemy' Territory: Germany and Physics in Recent British Fiction
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Panel 6: European Politics
Chair: Michelle Witen
Marlene Herrschaft, ‚Co-operation Between Stable Democratic Nations’? Imagined Communities in the Conservative Party’s Discourse on EU Enlargement
Klaus Stolz, The Discursive Role of Europe in a Dis-United Kingdom
Ellen Dengel-Janic, Europe and the City: Immigrant Perspectives on London in John
Lanchester’s Capital (2012)
17:00 End of Conference
Prof. Dr. Ina Habermann
Alex Van Lierde