Prof. Dr. Ina Habermann, English Literature since the Renaissance
Research Interests
Landscape and national identity; the creation of myths; the cultural diversity of Britain; Rhetoric and theories of metaphor; 'landscapes of the mind'.
Select Bibliography
- I. Habermann, „Reaching Beyond Silence: Metaphors of Ineffability“, in: Monika Fludernik (Hrsg.), Literary Metaphor After the Cognitive Revolution, in Begutachtung.
- I. Habermann, Englishness as a Symbolic Form – Identity, Myth and Memory in 1930s and 1940s English Literature and Film, (2007) – Habilitationsschrift in Vorb. zur Publikation.
- I. Habermann, „England an Island: Englishness as a Symbolic Form in Jacquetta Hawkes’s A Land (1951)“, in: Jürgen Kamm und Gerold Sedlmayr (Hrsg.), Insular Mentalities. Mental Maps of Britain, FS für Bernd Lenz (Passau: Karl Stutz 2007), 89-102.
- I. Habermann, „Death by Water: The Theory and Practice of Shipwrecking“, in: B. Klein (Hrsg.), Fictions of the Sea. Critical Perspectives on the Ocean in British Literature and Culture (Aldershot: Ashgate 2002), 104-21.
- I. Habermann, „On the Pain of Not Being English“, in: B. Klein und J. Kramer (Hrsg.), Common Ground? Crossovers Between Cultural Studies and Post-colonial Studies (Trier: wvt 2001), 137-51.

Prof. Dr. Ina Habermann
Department of English
Nadelberg 6
CH-4051 Basel
+41 (0)61 207 27 87