Cities in Flux. Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts

[Translate to English:] cities

Swiss South African Joint Research Programme (SSAJRP) 2009-2014

Date: 9–10 June 2015 (9am–7pm)

Venue: Department of English, Grosser Hörsaal, Nadelberg 6, CH-4051 Basel

Conveners: Olivier Moreillon, Christine Giustizieri-Haberstroh, Therese Steffen

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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

09:00– 12:00 Keynote Addresses:

"A Tale of Many Cities: Lewis Nkosi on South African Writing"
Lindy Stiebel, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban

"'Monstrocity': Brand Beukes and (De)Formation of Place in Fictionalising Citiness"
Sally-Ann Murray, Stellenbosch University

12:00–14.00 Lunch Break

14:00–15:30 Workshop I (Doctoral Students):

"Of Anger and (Self)Destruction: Racial Melancholia and Intergenerational Loss in K. Sello Duiker's Thirteen Cents"
Danyela Demir, University of Augsburg, Germany

"Half 'n Half: Mytho-Historical and Spatial Entanglements in Charlie Human's Apocalypse Now Now and Kill Baxter"
Olivier Moreillon, University of Basel &
Alan Muller, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban

16:00–17:15 Keynote Addres:

"Reflections on Film and Metropolitan Space in South Africa, 1890s-1960s"
Vivian Bickford-Smith, University of Cape Town

17:30–18:00 Book Launch:

Stiebel, Lindy and Therese Steffen, eds. Letters to my Native Soil: Lewis Nkosi writes home (2001-2009). Wien, Berlin, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2014.

18:00 Aperitif


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

09:00–12:00 Keynote Addresses:

"Imagining the 'Blue Metropolis'"
Meg Samuelson, University of Cape Town

"Cultural Memory in South Africa Through Old and New Museums"
Itala Vivan, University of Milan

12:00–14:00 Lunch Break

14:00–15:30 Workshop II (Doctoral Students):

"Peter Moor's Fahrt nach Süden and the (Re)Production of Namibian Space"
Renzo Baas, University of Bayreuth

"A Case of Gender and Genre Transgression: South African Crime Writer Jassy Mackenzie's Renegade Detective Jade de Jong"
Sabine Binder, University of Zürich

"'We all go for Shopping': Shopping Malls as Spaces of Encounter in Southern African Cities"
Barbara Heer, University of Basel

16:00–17:15 Keynote Address:

"Brave Noir World: Crime and the Late Modern Imaginary, in South Africa and Beyond"
Jean Comaroff, Harvard University

17:30–18:30 Round Table:

Till Förster, University of Basel
Elísio Macamo, University of Basel
Fiona Siegenthaler, University of Basel
Therese Steffen, University of Basel (Moderating)

Respondent: Sally-Ann Murray, Vivian Bickford-Smith, Meg Samuelson, Itala Vivan, Jean Comaroff